Saturday, November 5, 2011

Boating in October

I have so much to blog about it is just pure craziness!!  I hope to be caught up by Christmas.  Today we had snow.  I was really sad, I don't really love the snow, just at Christmas time.  We had such a lovely fall.  We got to take our NEW boat aka Mom and Dads old boat out for one last day in October.  The water was cold but we still jumped in and had a fantastic time.  I am never ready to say good bye to summer.  Ta, ta for now, until next year good old boat we are happy you are a part of our family now.  Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

Hyrum and his friend Krew

Jane warming up in the cuddy

Eli and I had a total blast on the tube!

Hyrum and Krew were so cute on the tube.  It submarined and both of them held on for dear life even though they were being drug under the cold water.  Hyrum cried, but when I got on the tube with them and accidentally fell off he was all full of laughs.  It was a good day.

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