Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Triathlon

Jane and Eli just did their first triathlon!  They have been running and biking and swimming to prepare for the day.  We have had fun exercising together.  They will ride their bikes with me while I run.  They have made it 6 miles before. I have enjoyed our little chats, even though by the end of the run I am so out of breath I can't talk much. I enjoy listening to their thoughts.

The swim was 150 yards, 3 mile bike and a 1 mile run.  I was choking back the tears the whole time.  They just did so great.  They had such good attitudes.  It was fun to see them excited, each in their own way.

Seriously, how cute are they with their caps on, timing chips around their ankles and numbers written on the arms and legs!

Grandma McConkie came to see Jane and Eli in action

They both did awesome on the swim.  Eli wasn't to happy I made him wear his life jacket at first, but I think half way into the swim he was happy he had it.  he is a good little swimmer, that is just longer than he has ever swam with out a rest.

Once out of the pool, Eli took off.  That kid has a fire inside him, he is really competitive.  Jane made sure Eli was taken care of, she is so sweet like that.  They are both so much fun to watch.

Eli came in first.  They both charged the finish line.  I felt like my heart might leap out of my chest.  I wanted to cheer louder and cry at the same time.  

I love these two amazing people.  I feel so blessed to have them in my life.  I am so grateful it was a good experience for them. I look forward to watching them accomplish many more things in their lives. Way to go June bug and E.  I love you so much!!!

Eli's time 45:03
Jane's time 47:08


  1. Ahhh, cried with this post. Love your little kiddos, that are not really so little anymore. This post just made me think of all the time I got to spend with these two when they were so little. Thank you again Nicole for sharing their lives with me. Wish I could have been there.

  2. Ohhhhh I am so proud of them!! These two are awesome kids! I am heartsick that Dad and I missed it! What a great "moment that Matters Most"! I will look forward to the next time and hope I don't space it!

  3. What cute, strong kids!! Way to go Jane & E!! I too loved seeing their numbers on their arms & legs, especially the day after at church ;) haha!

  4. By the way- darling new family pictures on the side! They turned out cute, I love Jane in her cowboy hat!
