Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Forth of July and Good Company

What can I say, We LOVE the forth of July. This year was extra special. Our super awesome friends, Paul and Andrea Borem got to come out and visit and our good friends, Audrey and Emily Quigley got baptized. It was one fun filled day. CAUTION...lots of photos, but who doesn't love that right?

I accidentally put the photo's on in reverse of the night, whoops. Matt put on one of the most fun, awesome firework shows I have ever been to. We had segways, music (thank you d.j Andrea), Popcorn, astro bar's (a 4th of July must), nice weather, cosy blankets, good friend's, and to die for fire works. What more could you ask for?

Nate and Kate

Me and Hyrum

Jane rock'n it on the segway

Matt and Hyrum

Grandpa and Grandma Garner on the segways

Grandma McConkie and Liv

Lotty May

Paul and Andrea

Levi and Sarah

Enjoying the perfect summer B.B.Q.

The food

Matt busted out some of his famous mint lemonade. I loved these paper straws.

What a party!!! We can't wait for the next one, Although I don't know how we will top this one.


  1. It was a awesome day! Thanks for sharing it with us. We love the McConkies!! I'm so glad you got a picture of the sky at sunset, it was so gorgeous. Can't wait for next year!

  2. hooray for awesome parties!!! thanks so much for letting us be a part of it. you guys are AMAZING!!!

  3. Well dads out of town, so I am laying in bed not sleeping. I just remembered that I could catch up on your blog from my phone!! How fun it is for me! It has been two months since the fourth of July swaray at your house. What a great time it was! I love how much Matt loves the holliday. That is my kind of celebration! I also love all the extra effort you put into decorating and all the fun details. The food was awesome, the segways are a blast, the company couldn't be better and the personal fireworks show, national anthem, flag and all did more than rock the house! It blew the roof off!! I am so lucky to have such fun kids. Thanks Matt and Nicole!
