WOW, Eli is the big 5! Were dose the time go? Eli was very cute today. He was so excited he couldn't stop bouncing, all day. He loves Toy Story right now so he had a blue cake with jelly beans that he picked out, and a Buzz Light year ship and Buzz toy on top. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner he said "rainbow jello", so rainbow jello we had. It was my first time making it. I think it had some imperfections, as I was removing it from the fridge to do another layer I found it had tipped in the fridge and the orange was all on one side. Good thing Eli is not picky.
Of course he had so much fun opening presents. Jane gave him some Buzz Light year p.j's, he wore them all day. Matt and Hyrum gave him a V-Motin game system and I mad him a quilt out of some of his old p.j's and t-shirts. Eli is such a sweet, fun, exciting person. Hyrum really wanted to open presents to. While Eli was getting ready for church, Hyrum decided to help himself to a present. Eli was so kind when he found out what Hyrum had done. He said "that's okay, I don't care." Matt told him he was really growing up. Eli decided because he is five now he would ware a tie to church. He made it most of Church with it on. I see a light in his tie waring future.
I love when my kids have birthdays. It is so much fun to remember the day they came into this world. I have been thinking of the day Eli was born. It was such a awesome day. I loved everything about it. Eli's birth was a very peaceful birth. It is such a special time of year too. everything seamed so quiet and still. I was thinking of Mary and Jesus and when I held Eli and looked into his eyes my heart felt like it might explode. I am so grateful to have such wonderful memories and even more grateful to have such a wonderful son. I love you Eli. You are such a bright joy in my life.